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Our School 

Any language school can help you study English. At Lion English, we do it better. We don't want you to just be able to speak. We want you to be able to roar! We teach you by using adaptable methods. Your lesson will be geared towards your specific English needs.

Our Students

We love our students! They come from all over the world. They have diverse interests and careers. Each student is unique, but they've all decided to master English. Our students succeed. 

Our Mission

Your  goals are our goals! We are here to empower you to learn English!

You can succeed and we want to help. Whether you are preparing for travel or the job of your dreams we will make sure that you can speak English with confidence.

Our Teachers

Our teachers are your enthusiastic guides through the jungles of English. They are passionate about teaching. Lion English teachers are skilled at finding the best path to your English mastery.

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What Our Students Say

這是我上了六堂課後給的評價,老師很專業,而且很有活力。我已經推薦了我的朋友,而且他們有著跟我類似的評價,一定要試試看。 This is my feedback after six lesson, the teacher is professional and full of energy! I have recommended my friends and they have same feeling as me, Must give it a try.


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